Effects from the Target Plate Geometry on Fluctuations of Helium Plasma in the Linear Divertor Simulator Magnum-PSI

Masayuki Yoshikawa (Corresponding author), Hirohiko Tanaka, Yuki Hayashi, Shin Kajita, Hennie J. van der Meiden, Jordy Vernimmen, Thomas Morgan, Junko Kohagura, Yoriko Shima, Satoshi Togo, Naomichi Ezumi, Yousuke Nakashima, Mizuki Sakamoto

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With the help of the linear divertor simulation device Magnum-PSI, a fluctuation investigation of the impact of the target plate geometry was conducted. We simultaneously quantify coherent low-frequency fluctuations with a newly built 70-GHz microwave reflectometry system, a reciprocating probe, a light emission detector system, and a fast-framing camera system. The strong low-frequency fluctuations were observed at both the electron density and the plasma radiations by moving the target plate along the magnetic field line. Furthermore, a strong peak in fluctuation intensity and the influence of the target plate tilt angle on the fluctuation intensity were noted.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1402100
Number of pages9
JournalPlasma and Fusion Research
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We greatly thank the Magnum-PSI team for performing fruitful experiments and discussions. This work was partly supported by the PWI international collaboration program and performed with the support and under the auspices of the NIFS Collaboration Research program (NIFS14KUGM086), NIFS/NINS under Young Researchers Supporting Program (UFEX106), and the JSPS KAKENHI (18KK0410, 19K14686).


  • Divertor simulator
  • Fluctuation
  • Magnum-psi


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