Een op Systems Engineering gebaseerde procesinrichting voor HEVO: onderzoek naar de verbetering van HEVO's dienstverlening op het gebied van D&B/DBM-projecten door de implementatie van een op Systems Engineering gebaseerde werkwijze

Jeroen van Beek, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TUE). Stan Ackermans Instituut. Architectural Design Management Systems (ADMS)

    Research output: ThesisEngD Thesis

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    In the non-residential sector, Systems Engineering is increasingly associated with integrated projects (such as Design & Build or Design, Build & Maintain). Organizations that (would like to) provide their services in the field of integrated projects are therefore increasingly faced with the challenge to poor over in Systems Engineering and implement this method in their services. This research report explains the applied research that has been performed in this context, commissioned by HEVO. The aim of this study was to gain insight into how Systems Engineering can improve HEVO's services in the field of D&B/DBM projects in the non-residential sector, as well as the organizational and procedural consequences this brings about. In this research services to the client as well as the contractor are taken into account. The UAV-GC 2005 is applied as legal framework. Data in this research were obtained from literature combined with the analysis of several projects, wherein participative observations were performed in three projects. The research has resulted in the recognition that the current 'traditional' processes of HEVO can result in undesirable project risks when these processes are applied in projects with an integrated contract. The current processes appear not completely suitable for integrated projects, which in practice have to take into account much stricter legal frameworks than usually is the case within traditional projects. Without a process change, HEVO can therefore not ensure that it is able to successfully support her customers (both clients and contractors of integrated projects) in fulfilling their contractual responsibilities and obligations. This puts the 'relieving' service to the customer - what can be considered as the essence of the service HEVO supplies - under pressure. In total four primary issues are identified in the research, on basis of which the 'traditional' processes of HEVO can be suited better for services in the field of D&B/DBM projects. It has been found that Systems Engineering can provide the tools for the improvement of HEVO's services in the field of integrated projects. Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary method, developed for the purpose of integral design, construction and maintenance of successful (housing) solutions that demonstrably meet the full set of inventoried and documented customer and user requirements. Systems Engineering helps to structure housing processes and make them transparent by its systematic approach. The verification process is a typical and important control mechanism which supports constant testing whether activities are still in line with the project baselines. Therefore, Systems Engineering is aimed at reducing project risks (such as failure costs and budget and schedule overruns) and increase the probability of successful project results. Regarding the services to clients of D&B/DBM projects, one primary point of attention is inventoried. This is the composing of Programs of Requirements in a more critical and conscious way. This is important to ensure that Programs of Requirements in the context of the integrated tender, are substantively accurate and representative for the expectations of the customer. A stakeholder definition process based on Systems Engineering, provides proven tools to support this improvement initiative. For the service towards contractors of D&B/DBM projects, potential improvements are based on three points of attention. They concern more attention to a thorough requirements analysis from the start of the project, more attention for managing interfaces (especially internal interfaces) and explicit assurance of a verification process from the beginning of a project. Improving these aspects increases the chance for the realization of a project within time and budget, that meets the quality expectations and wishes of the customer. It also ensures the traceability of changes in requirements during the project and an easier understanding of the consequences. Also for this improvement Systems Engineering provides proven tools in the form of a requirement analysis process, architecture design process and verification process based on this method. The research results are used to develop independent project tools that support the employees of HEVO with the implementation of Systems Engineering in their services. Herewith, this research contributes to HEVO's ambition to also become a leading consultant in the field of projects with an integrated contract, besides its current services. The instrument has the form of a written guideline, which consists of a number of standard - especially for HEVO developed - process diagrams (both for the side of the client and the contractor), a basic organization chart and a detailed explanation of these components. In addition to the explanation of the diagrams, the guideline gives an overview of relevant definitions and all documents that play a role in D&B/DBM projects. For both types of services, the consequences of the recommended method for the factors time and money are considered and some pitfalls and points of attention are mentioned. The guideline was validated internally and adjusted - as far as possible within the constraints of this research - based on the received feedback. This guarantees that the instrument is a solid basis for the actual implementation for the working method based on Systems Engineering within HEVO. The conclusion of this study is only the beginning of the actual improvement process of HEVO's services in the field of projects with integrated contracts. The management of HEVO is therefore strongly advised to free up capacity and resources for a follow-up. In addition, it is essential for the further development of the services and process design that the management of HEVO (based on the findings of this research) develops a more concrete and specific strategy regarding the ambitions for integrated projects in the next few years and regarding what must be specifically accomplished.
    Original languageDutch
    Awarding Institution
    • Kersten, R.J.W., External supervisor
    • Bouman, Dick, External supervisor, External person
    • Romme, A.G.L. (Sjoerd), Supervisor
    • de Vries, Bauke, Supervisor
    • den Otter, Ad, Supervisor
    • Pels, Henkjan, Supervisor
    Award date20 Jun 2013
    Place of PublicationEindhoven
    Print ISBNs978-90-444-1198-0
    Publication statusPublished - 2013

    Bibliographical note


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