DSP complexity of mode-division multiplexed receivers

B. Inan, B. Spinnler, F. Ferreira, D. Borne, van den, A. Lobato, S. Adhikari, V.A.J.M. Sleiffer, M. Kuschnerov, N. Hanik, S.L. Jansen

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The complexities of common equalizer schemes are analytically analyzed in this paper in terms of complex multiplications per bit. Based on this approach we compare the complexity of mode-division multiplexed digital signal processing algorithms with different numbers of multiplexed modes in terms of modal dispersion and distance. It is found that training symbol based equalizers have significantly lower complexity compared to blind approaches for long-haul transmission. Among the training symbol based schemes, OFDM requires the lowest complexity for crosstalk compensation in a mode-division multiplexed receiver. The main challenge for training symbol based schemes is the additional overhead required to compensate modal crosstalk, which increases the data rate. In order to achieve 2000 km transmission, the effective modal dispersion must therefore be below 6 ps/km when the OFDM specific overhead is limited to 10%. It is concluded that for few mode transmission systems the reduction of modal delay is crucial to enable long-haul performance.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10859-10869
Number of pages11
JournalOptics Express
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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