title = "Drawbacks and solutions of applying association rule mining in learning management systems",
abstract = "In this paper, we survey the application of association rule mining in e-learning systems, and especially, learning management systems. We describe the specific knowledge discovery process, its mains drawbacks and some possible solutions to resolve them.",
author = "E. Garc{\'i}a and C. Romero and S. Ventura and T.G.K. Calders",
year = "2008",
language = "English",
series = "CEUR Workshop Proceedings",
publisher = "CEUR-WS.org",
pages = "1--10",
editor = "C. Romero and {et al.}, xx",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Applying Data Mining in e-Learning (ADML-2007, Crete, Greece, September 18, 2007)",