Do design lines add value

J.P.L. Schoormans, H.M.J.J. Snelders, C. Lagers-Dresselhuys

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    Horizontal lines can be found in many industries, from cosmetics to hardware tools. Interviews among retail managers show that horizontal product lines are not strongly advocated by retailers, because they do not fit the way retail displays are organized. Depending on the situation, developing horizontal lines can be an advantageous strategy for design managers. A vertical product line is usually defined as a range of products from a single product category. They appeal to the same consumer need, differ in function only in gradation, and show some product resemblance. Products in a horizontal design line differ in function and thus do not apply to the same consumer needs. Horizontal lines may decrease the cost of design, even when such costs are relatively limited. From the point of view of the consumer, there might be a number of other advantages to the horizontal product line. Some consumers are known to collect products that belong to the same horizontal line, especially when those products carry the name of a famous designer.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)85-90
    JournalDesign Management Review
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


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