DNS of non-premixed combustion in a compressible mixing layer

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The non-premixed reaction of fuel with air in a mixing layer is studied using DNS. The situation is a model for the mixing-controlled combustion in a Diesel engine. We show that the combustion region can be comparably passive with respect to relatively large scale aerodynamic instabilities. However the reaction decreases the small scale turbulent energy. A flamelet analysis shows differences between two and three dimensional situations. In a first analysis, performed for the two dimensional case, no correlation of the flame-normal compressive strain rate with a flamelet-like behavior is observed.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationModern simulation strategies for turbulent flow
EditorsB.J. Geurts
Place of PublicationPhiladelphia
PublisherR.T. Edwards Publishers
ISBN (Print)1-930217-04-8
Publication statusPublished - 2001


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