Dispersion activity coefficient models. Part 1: cubic equations of state

Gerard J.P. Krooshof (Corresponding author), Remco Tuinier, Gijsbertus de With

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An explicit expression for dispersion in activity coefficient models can be derived from cubic equations of state (cEoS). Here we show that all the two-parameter cEoS deliver a van Laar type of equation. The difference between these equations can be characterized by a single parameter K, which can be computed directly from the cEoS characteristic parameters. The theoretical values for K are always higher than experimental activity coefficient data of alkane mixtures indicate. We show that mixtures of linear and branched alkanes require K=4.13 and K=3.04, respectively, while the lowest theoretical value, K=9, is given by the van der Waals equation. This mismatch in results is caused by the assumptions, which are made in the derivation of the van der Waals equation of state and which remain present in later developed cEoS. One of these is that all molecules are spherical, which leads to the inconsistency that the ratio of the covolume and the van der Waals volume is always 4, while this ratio for linear alkanes decreases rapidly to nearly 2 with increasing chain length. Another assumption is that all molecules experience the same number of external interactions, which neglects the fact that polyatomic molecules have less intermolecular interactions per spherical segment due to presence of covalent bonds and the occurrence of intramolecular interaction. Therefore, the van Laar type of activity coefficient equations are limited in their use as predictive model for dispersion. Perturbed hard-sphere chain equation of state will be discussed in part 2.

Original languageEnglish
Article number112275
Number of pages13
JournalFluid Phase Equilibria
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2019


  • Activity model
  • Cubic equation of state
  • Dispersion
  • Van Laar


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