Direct numerical simulation of complex gas-liquid-solid flows using a combined immersed boundary (IB) and volume of fluid (VOF) approach

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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Multiphase gas-liquid-solid flows are frequently encountered in a variety of industrial processes for the production of synthetic fuels and base chemicals. Examples of relevant process equipment include Slurry Bubble Columns (SBC) and Trickle Bed Reactors (TBR). Due to the very complex topological changes of the interfaces (gas-liquid and liquid-solid), a correct description of the interaction between the phases is extremely difficult. In this paper a novel simulation approach will be presented for complex multiphase flows accounting for i) all important mutual interactions between the phases ii) complex changes in the topology of the interfaces. In view of its fundamental nature, it is an important complementary tool in developing closure equations for Eulerian and/or Lagrangian approaches, which do not capture in sufficient detail the complex topological changes of the interfaces.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEuromech Colloquium 479, Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Flow with Deformable Interfaces, Scheveningen
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Eventconference; Lecture given at: EUROMECH Colloquium 479, Scheveningen; 2006-08-14; 2006-08-14 - Scheveningen, Netherlands
Duration: 14 Aug 200615 Aug 2006


Conferenceconference; Lecture given at: EUROMECH Colloquium 479, Scheveningen; 2006-08-14; 2006-08-14
Abbreviated titleEUROMECH 479
OtherLecture given at: EUROMECH Colloquium 479, Scheveningen


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