Digital Fabrication with Cement-Based Materials: Process Classification and Case Studies

R. A. Buswell, F. P. Bos, Wilson Ricardo Leal da Silva, N. Hack, Harald Kloft, Dirk Lowke, Niklas Freund, Asko Fromm, E. Dini, Timothy Wangler, E. Lloret-Fritschi, Roel Schipper, Viktor Mechtcherine, Arnaud Perrot, K. Vasilic, Nicolas Roussel

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


The need for methods for forming concrete has existed for as long as concrete has been used in constructing the built environment. Creating flat, rectilinear formers have traditionally been the cost and time efficient default for the majority of applications. The desire for greater design freedom and the drive to automate construction manufacturing is providing a platform for the continued development of a family of processes called Digital Fabrication with Concrete (DFC) technologies. DFC technologies are many and varied. Much of the material science theory is common, but the process steps vary significantly between methods, creating challenges as we look towards performance comparison and standardisation. Presented here is a framework to help identify and describe process differences and a showcase of DFC application case studies that explain the processes behind a sub-set of the technologies available.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDigital Fabrication with Cement-Based Materials
Number of pages38
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-030-90535-4
ISBN (Print)978-3-030-90534-7
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2022

Publication series

NameRILEM State-of-the-Art Reports
ISSN (Print)2213-204X
ISSN (Electronic)2213-2031

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The work was supported by: the UK Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund: Transforming Construction initiative (EPSRC grant number EP/S031405/1) and EPSRC Grant number EP/P031420/1; the I-Site Future initiative, through the DiXite program at Gustave Eiffel University, Paris, France; the Swiss National Science Foundation, National Centre for Competence in Research: Digital Fabrication in Architecture; the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), Project Number 387152958 (GZ: ME 2938/20-1), within the priority program SPP 2005 OPUS FLUIDUM FUTURUM ? Rheology of reactive, multiscale, multiphase construction materials; the Innovation Fund Denmark (Grant no. 8055-00030B: Next Generation of 3D-printed Concrete Structures); the Junior Professorship for Digital Building Fabrication is sponsored by the Gerhard and Karin Matth?i Foundation; the development of the Shotcrete 3D Printing technology (SC3DP) was funded by the Ministry for Science and Culture (MWK) of Lower Saxony and implemented with the DFG-funded Digital Building Fabrication Laboratory (DBFL). Mr. Wu from HuaShang Tenda provided information on the construction of the residential villa in Tongzhou, Beijing as well as Figs. 2.23-3 and 4 and 2.24.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022, RILEM.


Acknowledgements The work was supported by: the UK Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund: Transforming Construction initiative (EPSRC grant number EP/S031405/1) and EPSRC Grant number EP/P031420/1; the I-Site Future initiative, through the DiXite program at Gustave Eiffel University, Paris, France; the Swiss National Science Foundation, National Centre for Competence in Research: Digital Fabrication in Architecture; the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), Project Number 387152958 (GZ: ME 2938/20-1), within the priority program SPP 2005 OPUS FLUIDUM FUTURUM – Rheology of reactive, multiscale, multiphase construction materials; the Innovation Fund Denmark (Grant no. 8055-00030B: Next Generation of 3D-printed Concrete Structures); the Junior Professorship for Digital Building Fabrication is sponsored by the Gerhard and Karin Matthäi Foundation; the development of the Shotcrete 3D Printing technology (SC3DP) was funded by the Ministry for Science and Culture (MWK) of Lower Saxony and implemented with the DFG-funded Digital Building Fabrication Laboratory (DBFL). Mr. Wu from HuaShang Tenda provided information on the construction of the residential villa in Tongzhou, Beijing as well as Figs. 2.23-3 and 4 and 2.24. The work was supported by: the UK Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund: Transforming Construction initiative (EPSRC grant number EP/S031405/1) and EPSRC Grant number EP/P031420/1; the I-Site Future initiative, through the DiXite program at Gustave Eiffel University, Paris, France; the Swiss National Science Foundation, National Centre for Competence in Research: Digital Fabrication in Architecture; the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), Project Number 387152958 (GZ: ME 2938/20-1), within the priority program SPP 2005 OPUS FLUIDUM FUTURUM ? Rheology of reactive, multiscale, multiphase construction materials; the Innovation Fund Denmark (Grant no. 8055-00030B: Next Generation of 3D-printed Concrete Structures); the Junior Professorship for Digital Building Fabrication is sponsored by the Gerhard and Karin Matth?i Foundation; the development of the Shotcrete 3D Printing technology (SC3DP) was funded by the Ministry for Science and Culture (MWK) of Lower Saxony and implemented with the DFG-funded Digital Building Fabrication Laboratory (DBFL). Mr. Wu from HuaShang Tenda provided information on the construction of the residential villa in Tongzhou, Beijing as well as Figs. 2.23-3 and 4 and 2.24.

FundersFunder number
Gerhard and Karin Matthäi FoundationSC3DP
Gustave Eiffel University
HuaShang Tenda2.24
National Centre for Competence in Research: Digital Fabrication in Architecture
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research CouncilEP/S031405/1, EP/P031420/1
Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftME 2938/20-1, 387152958
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg


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