Devices, system and methods for determining a priority level and/or conversation duration of a call

Ihor Kirenko (Inventor), Chaitanya Dongre (Inventor), Ronald M. Aarts (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication

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The present invention relates to device, system and method for determining a priority level and/or conversation duration of a call. An improved and adaptive device comprises a signal input (31) for obtaining an image data signal (21) of a user initiating a call, a physiological data extraction unit (32) for extracting physiological data (22) of the user from the obtained image data signal (21), a health condition determination unit (33) for determining the health condition (23) of the user based on the extracted physiological data, and a prioritization unit (34) for determining the priority level and/or conversation duration (24) of the call based on the determined health condition of the user.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS11356554
Priority date25/02/16
Filing date13/02/17
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jun 2022


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