Device, system and method for determining vital sign information of a subject

G. de Haan (Inventor), M. van Gastel (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication

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The present invention relates to a device, system and a method for determining vital sign information of a subject. To provide an increased signal quality and an improved robustness of the obtained vital sign information with respect to motion and low SNR, the proposed device tries to find the linear combination of the color channels, which suppresses the distortions best in a frequency band including the pulse rate, and consequently use this same linear combination to extract the desired vital sign information (e.g. represented by a vital sign information signal such as a respiration signal or Mayer waves) in a lower frequency band.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2017093379
IPCA61B 5/ 08 A N
Priority date1/12/15
Publication statusPublished - 8 Jun 2017


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