Device, system and method for determining a physiological parameter of a subject

Wenjin Wang (Inventor), A.C. (Bert) den Brinker (Inventor), Gerard de Haan (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication


The application relates to camera-based vital signs monitoring using remote PPG. A Device (10) for determining a physiological parameter comprises: an interface (11) for receiving image data comprising a time-sequence of image frames; a processor (12) for processing said data and configured to perform, for each frame, the steps of: generating a set of weighting maps comprising at least a first and second weighting map for spatially weighting pixels of the frame (102); determining a first weighted image frame by spatially weighting pixels of the image frame based on the first weighting map (103); determining a corresponding second weighted image frame; determining a first statistical parameter value based on the first weighted image frame (105); determining a corresponding second statistical parameter value; concatenating said first statistical parameter values over time based on the time-sequence of the corresponding image frames to obtain a first candidate signal (107); to obtain a corresponding second candidate signal (108); extracting a physiological parameter of the subject based on said first and/or said second candidate signal (109).
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2020178809
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jun 2020


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