Device for and a method of processing data

W.P.J. Bruijn, de (Inventor), D.W.E. Schobben (Inventor), W. Hoogenstraaten (Inventor), R.M. Aarts (Inventor), J.H. Streng (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication

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A device (100) for processing data, the device (100) comprising a detection unit (110) adapted for detecting individual reproduction modes indicative of a manner of reproducing the data separately for each of a plurality of human users, and a processing unit (120) adapted for processing the data to thereby generate reproducible data separately for each of the plurality of human users in accordance with the detected individual reproduction modes.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS8675880 B2
Priority date31/03/06
Publication statusPublished - 18 Mar 2014

Bibliographical note

Other priority number(s):
WO2007IB51004 20070322 Date: 22-03-2007


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