Design of a multi-purpose production facility for extraction processes

Nienke Grasmeijer

Research output: ThesisEngD Thesis

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In the quest to address the issue of waste and by-product streams generated in the agrifood supply chain, Bodec has embarked on designing a multipurpose production facility. This new facility aims to valorise valuable components, such as proteins, fibres, and pectins, from various plant-based side streams. Bodec's new production facility is a result of collaboration with multiple companies keen on harnessing side streams. It is projected to be around four to five times larger than the currently existing pilot plant. The core focus of the new facility will be on extraction processes, where valuable components will be separated from the rest of the side streams. To achieve this, the initial design is based on three specific cases presented by clients, namely rapeseed protein extraction, fibres and proteins from brewers' spent yeast, and pectins derived from coffee cherries. The design process began with identifying the essential unit operations required for production, leading to the recognition of common elements across the processes: tanks and separation units. By calculating the maximum production capacities with varying quantities of unit operations, I determined what equipment would be necessary to meet the clients' targeted yearly production capacities. Quotations were obtained for the required equipment, followed by an economic evaluation to assess the overall costs of the design. Also the utility requirements were calculated. The final outcome of the design process involved the creation of a basic floor plan that presents the arrangement of all equipment in the new multipurpose production facility. With this innovative facility, Bodec endeavours to pave the way for the sustainable valorisation of valuable components from diverse plant-based side streams, contributing to a more resource-efficient and environmentally conscious future.
Original languageEnglish
  • Forner Cuenca, Antoni, Supervisor
  • Houben, R.P.J.M., External supervisor
  • de Boeff, Frank, Supervisor
Place of PublicationEindhoven
Publication statusPublished - 27 Sept 2023

Bibliographical note

EngD thesis. - Confidential.


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