Design of a high-Tc SQUID based heart scanner cooled by small Stirling coolers

H.J.M. Brake, ter, H.A. Boer, de, W.A.M. Aarnink, H.J. Holland, P.C. Bruins, P.J. Bosch, van den, H. Rogalla

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    A heart scanner based on high-Tc SQUID is under development. It should be used in std. clin. environments without magnetically shielded room. Because the scanner should be simple to use, the SQUIDs will be cooled by small cryocoolers thus realizing a turn-key app. The mech. cooler interference is reduced by incorporating two coolers and operating them in counter phase. The magnetic cooler interference is reduced by positioning the coolers and the SQUIDs in a coplanar arrangement, and by sepg. the SQUIDs from the cold tips with a solid conducting thermal interface. A design is presented in which a temp. of 55K is expected with a cool-down time of less than 1 h. [on SciFinder (R)]
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)79-86
    JournalAdvances in Cryogenic Engineering
    Issue numberPt. A
    Publication statusPublished - 1996


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