Design for precision : current status and trends

P.H.J. Schellekens, P.C.J.N. Rosielle, J.P.M.B. Vermeulen, M.M.P.A. Vermeulen, S.F.C.L. Wetzels, W.O. Pril

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Design for Precision’ reviews the status quo in Precision Engineering and concludes that today's precision engineers put repeatability at the top of their list. The design rules, patterns or principles, quoted here from various authors, are all time-proven insights, to get reproducible results with ultra precision machines and instruments. Modelling and analysis of different concepts, systems, and components is required to adapt the progressing design or to confirm its adequacy. Expenditure on such analysis is worthwhile to avoid realisation of an inadequate design. However, creativity is more important in keeping the cost down by finding other than locally optimised solutions. World-wide, precision engineers agree on design principles, the challenge is to apply them creatively to obtain a thought-out design. In today's most accurate machines, advanced techniques are applied for compensation of e.g. residual geometric errors, errors caused by machine dynamics, or thermo-mechanically induced errors. Future developments in Precision Engineering require nanometre- or even subnanometre positioning-and measuring accuracy, demanding new design concepts with integrated control and error compensation systems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)557-586
JournalCIRP Annals
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1998


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