Dendritic macromolecules and their preparation by using vinyl cyanide

E.M.M. Berg, van den (Inventor), E.W. Meijer (Inventor), F.H. Vandenbooren (Inventor), H.J.M. Bosman (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication


The title macromols., showing good heat and hydrolysis resistance, contain a core and branches emanating from the core, the branches being prepd. from vinyl cyanide. The method of prepn. is suitable for use on a large scale, and the synthesized intermediates do not have to be isolated. Reacting 1,4-diaminobutane with acrylonitrile in MeOH gave 92% (NCCH2CH2)2N(CH2)4N(CH2CH2CN)2 (I) which had m.p. 52.8 Deg and temp. of max. decompn. in thermogravimetry 330.1 Deg. Successively larger dendritic macromols. were prepd. by redn. of the cyano groups of I to amino groups and reaction of the amino groups with acrylonitrile. [on SciFinder (R)]
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO9314147 A1
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jul 1993


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