Demonstrating the potential of accurate absolute cross-grain stress and orientation correlation using electron backscatter diffraction

Tijmen Vermeij, Marc De Graef, Johan Hoefnagels (Corresponding author)

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We report a first exploration of High-angular-Resolution Electron Backscatter Diffraction, without using simulated Electron Backscatter Diffraction patterns as a reference, for absolute stress and orientation measurements in polycrystalline materials. By co-correlating the pattern center and fully exploiting crystal symmetry and plane-stress, simultaneous correlation of all overlapping regions of interest in multiple direct-electron-detector, energy-filtered Electron Backscatter Diffraction patterns is achieved. The potential for highly accurate measurement of absolute stress, crystal orientation and pattern center is demonstrated on a virtual polycrystalline case-study, showing errors respectively below 20 MPa (or 10−4 in strain), 7 × 10−5 rad and 0.06 pixels.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)266-271
Number of pages6
JournalScripta Materialia
Publication statusPublished - 15 Mar 2019


  • Absolute stress
  • Crystal symmetry
  • EBSD
  • Grain boundaries
  • Pattern center


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