Declare : a tool suite for declarative workflow modeling and enactment

M. Westergaard, F.M. Maggi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

35 Citations (Scopus)


Declare adheres to the declarative work¿ow modeling paradigm, where, instead of modeling allowed behavior and explicit choices, users model disallowed behavior. This makes it easier to model loosely structured processes. Without appropriate precautions, however, users are less supported in choosing which actions lead to the desired endresult. The goal of Declare is to ensure ¿exibility when modeling loosely structured processes and, at the same time, to provide support for decision making during the execution. Declare consists of a Designer component for creating and verifying models, a framework which acts as a server for enacting models, and a Worklist, which allows users to see and pick tasks to perform. Declare can act as a client of the operational support service in ProM, which makes it possible to guide users towards desired goals, to obtain statistics about an executed process, and to monitor a running case. In addition to this, a ProM plug-in has been also implemented that allows for the discovery of Declare models from logs.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Demo Track of the Nineth Conference on Business Process Management 2011 (Clermont-Ferrand, France, August 31, 2011)
EditorsH. Ludwig, H.A. Reijers
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Publication series

NameCEUR Workshop Proceedings
ISSN (Print)1613-0073


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