Deciding What to Replicate: A Decision Model for Replication Study Selection Under Resource and Knowledge Constraints

Peder Mortvedt Isager (Corresponding author), Robbie C.M. van Aert, Štepán Bahník, Mark J. Brandt, K. Andrew DeSoto, Roger Giner-Sorolla, Joachim I. Krueger, Marco Perugini, Ivan Ropovik, Anna E. van ‘t Veer, Marek Vranka, Daniël Lakens

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Robust scientific knowledge is contingent upon replication of original findings. However, replicating researchers are constrained by resources, and will almost always have to choose one replication effort to focus on from a set of potential candidates. To select a candidate efficiently in these cases, we need methods for deciding which out of all candidates considered would be the most useful to replicate, given some overall goal researchers wish to achieve. In this article we assume that the overall goal researchers wish to achieve is to maximize the utility gained by conducting the replication study. We then propose a general rule for study selection in replication research based on the replication value of the set of claims considered for replication. The replication value of a claim is defined as the maximum expected utility we could gain by conducting a replication of the claim, and is a function of (a) the value of being certain about the claim, and (b) uncertainty about the claim based on current evidence. We formalize this definition in terms of a causal decision model, utilizing concepts from decision theory and causal graph modeling. We discuss the validity of using replication value as a measure of expected utility gain, and we suggest approaches for deriving quantitative estimates of replication value. Our goal in this article is not to define concrete guidelines for study selection, but to provide the necessary theoretical foundations on which such concrete guidelines could be built.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)438-451
Number of pages14
JournalPsychological Methods
Issue number2
Early online date20 Dec 2021
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2023


  • Expected utility
  • Replication
  • Replication value
  • Study selection


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