De aanpak bij het ontwerpen van gasbranders : probleemgebieden bij de ontwikkeling van cv-gasbranders

P.F.J. Severens, L.P.H. Goey, de, J.A. Rijnaarts

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleProfessional


Activities with regard to energy conservation and environmental protection resulted in increased attention for the performance of gas burners in gas appliances.^The fact that natural gas is not of a constant composition is another complication in designing the right gas appliances for the European market.^Interviews were held with 17 manufacturers of gas burners and gas appliances in order to outline the market developments, to determine the present design method, to list and analyze the problems, and to determine the need for modelled solutions.^It appears that experience, rules of thumb, experimental studies and trial-and-error techniques are important aspects in the development of gas burners and gas appliances.^Models are hardly applied.^The present trend is premixed combustion.^The most important problems are noise production, NO[sub x] emission, high temperature of the burner surface, variation of the natural gas quality, and, to a lesser extent, CO emission.^The overall conclusion of the survey is that in the Netherlands there is a gap between the designers of burners and appliances and the organizations involved in research on burners and appliances.^Cooperation between manufacturers and researchers is essential.^7 ills., 3 tabs.
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)210-215
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1994

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