Cylinder pressure-based control in heavy-duty EGR diesel engines using a virtual heat release and emission sensor

F.P.T. Willems, E. Doosje, F. Engels, X.L.J. Seykens

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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This paper presents a cylinder pressure-based control (CPBC) system for conventional diesel combustion withhigh EGR levels. Besides the commonly applied heat release estimation, the CPBC system is extended with anew virtual NOx and PM sensor. Using available cylinder pressure information, these emissions are estimatedusing a physically-based combustion model. This opens the route to advanced On-Board Diagnostics and tooptimized fuel consumption and emissions during all operating conditions.The potential of closed-loop CA50 and IMEP control is demonstrated on a multi-cylinder heavy-duty EGRengine. For uncalibrated injectors and fuel variations, the combustion control system makes the engineperformance robust for the applied variations and reduces the need for a time consuming calibration process.Cylinder balancing is shown to enable auto-calibration of fuel injectors and to enhance fuel flexibility. For bothBiodiesel and US diesel, the effects on NOx and PM emissions are partly compensated for by combined CA50and IMEP control. This can be further improved by application of (virtual) emission sensors. Furthermore, it isshown that this combustion controller shows good transient performance during load changes.The virtual emission sensor is successfully implemented for real-time control. For operating conditions withhigh EGR rates and varying injection timing, the predictions of the virtual NOx and PM sensor are comparedwith measurements. NOx emission prediction inaccuracy is typically on the order of 12%, which is comparableto commercially available sensors. The predicted PM emissions show good qualitative agreement, but needfurther improvement for application in DPF regeneration and PM emission control strategies. Robust emissioncontrol is essential to meet future requirements for On-Board Diagnostics and In-Use Compliance.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2010 SAE World Congress, 13-15 April 2010, Detroit, Michigan, USA
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Publication series

NameSAE International Journal of Engines
ISSN (Print)1946-3936


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