Convex modeling of pumps in order to optimize their energy use

K. Horváth, B. van Esch (Corresponding author), D. Vreeken, I. Pothof, J. Baayen

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This study presents convex modeling of drainage pumps so that real-time control systems can be implemented to minimize their energy use. A convex model is built based on pump curves and then used in mixed-integer optimization to allow pumps to be turned on or off. It is implemented as an extension to the open source software package RTC-Tools. The formulation is such that the continuous relaxations of the mixed-integer problem are convex, hence branch-and-bound techniques may be used to find a global optimum. The formulation can be used for variable-speed and constant-speed pumps. There are several possible applications, such as optimization of polder systems, pumped-storage systems, or certain water distribution networks. Finally, an example of the drainage pump is presented to compare the method to current methods and show that energy can be saved by using the proposed method.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2432-2445
Number of pages14
JournalWater Resources Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2019


This research is carried out within the Slim Malen project. The Slim Malen (Smart Drainage) project is funded and performed by the following partners: STOWA, Ministry of Economic Affairs (RVO), Deltares, Eindhoven University of Technology, Ministry of Infra and Environment (Rijkswaterstaat - WVL), Water Authorities Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier, Fryslân, Zuiderzeeland, Rivierenland, Scheldestromen, Rijnland, Brabantse Delta and Hollandse Delta and by companies Nelen & Schuurmans, e-Risk Group, Eneco, Delta, Alliander EXE, Actility, XYLEM, and KISTERS. The calculations are carried out by the open source software RTC-Tools ( The data can be found online ( XAUGMzhKiUk).


  • channel
  • control
  • convex
  • drainage
  • optimization
  • pump


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