Controlling a light source

Ashish Vijay Pandharipande (Inventor), Shuai Li (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication


A light source for use in a visible light communications system is driven in the following manner. On-off key modulation is applied to a data sequence to embed it in a data signal as on-off keyed amplitude modulations of the data signal. A pulse width modulation dimming signal. The data signal and the dimming signal are synchronized with each other. A drive signal is generated by summing the data signal with the dimming signal. The drive signal is supplied to the light source to vary an intensity of light emitted by the light source according to the drive signal, thereby transmitting the embedded data sequence to a receiving device whilst simultaneously providing dimmable illumination.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2017190998
IPCH05B 33/ 08 A I
Priority date4/05/16
Publication statusPublished - 9 Nov 2017


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