Control refinement for discrete-time descriptor systems: a behavioural approach via simulation relations

F. Chen, S. Haesaert, A. Abate, S. Weiland

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The analysis of industrial processes, modelled as descriptor systems, is often computationally hard due to the presence of both algebraic couplings and difference equations of high order. In this paper, we introduce a control refinement notion for these descriptor systems that enables analysis and control design over related reduced-order systems. Utilising the behavioural framework, we extend upon the standard hierarchical control refinement for ordinary systems and allow for algebraic couplings inherent to descriptor systems.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1704.01672
Number of pages8
Issue number1704.01672
Publication statusPublished - 6 Apr 2017

Bibliographical note

8 pages, 3 figures


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