Control of lighting devices

Fernández David Ricardo Caicedo (Inventor), Willem Franke Pasveer (Inventor), Jelena Matovina (Inventor), Swormink Michel Albertus Theodorus Klein (Inventor), Jurgen Mario Vangeel (Inventor), Roger Peter Anna Delnoij (Inventor), Wijnand Johannes Rietman (Inventor), Ashish Vijay Pandharipande (Inventor), Nair Biju Kumar Sreedharan (Inventor), Geert Bart Neuttiens (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication


A network of active sensors in a control system is considered. The active sensors, which may be fixed-infrastructure sensors, provide presence detection information to a distributed lighting system. The active sensors communicate by transmitting probe signals. The communication of probe signals may result in cross-interference which may vary in time. Cross-interference is detected, and can later be avoided, by determining a difference between signals received in a first part of a timeslot and signals received in a second part of the timeslot. In order to do so probe signals comprising two non-zero pulses are transmitted in respective parts of the timeslot. Applications are, for example, active presence sensors in lighting control applications in indoor as well as outdoor environments.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2015048954
IPCG08B 5/ 36 A I
Priority date13/03/13
Publication statusPublished - 19 Feb 2015
Externally publishedYes


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