Comparison of observed and simulated cement microstructure using spatial correlation functions

S.I. Igarashi, Wei Chen, H.J.H. Brouwers

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The microstructure of cement pastes, as revealed by SEM-BSE image analysis, was compared with a simulated structure generated by the University of Twente version of the CEMHYD3D hydration simulation model. The spatial array of unhydrated cement particles was simulated by the model. However, spatial features in capillary pore structure obtained by the simulation are different from the observed microstructure. This disagreement in the spatial structure is to be expected since there are fundamental differences in porosity as represented by the two methods. Only coarse pores are detected in the SEM examination while the total capillary porosity and its whole spatial distribution are virtually simulated in the model. A subset of the visible pores must be different in spatial statistics from the universal set of total porosity. Care must therefore be taken in interpreting agreement between simulation output and microscopically observed microstructure in images.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)637-646
Number of pages10
JournalCement & Concrete Composites
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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