Comparison of EGR-VTG control schemes for an EPA2010 heavy-duty diesel engine

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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Next generation heavy-duty diesel engines require tight air path control to meet upcoming emission legislation with minimal fuel consumption. This study concentrates on the emission control of a 13l, 360 kW EGR diesel engine, which is compliant with EPA2010 emission targets. Currently, an input-decoupled controller design is often applied for EGR-VTG control. The performance of such a state-ofthe- art controller is compared with an SVD-decoupled control design and time optimal control. All three controllers use a newly introduced control parameter: exhaust oxygen concentration. For disturbances around an engine operating point, the performance of these controllers is evaluated from simulation results. Especially, settling time and NOx and PM emissions are of interest. A comparison is presented which shows that SVD-decoupled control will give improvements over input decoupled control in terms of performance and simplicity. Time optimal control shows that further improvements of settling times are possible, but the required large control inputs will have a significant effect on the produced torque.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 13th IASTED International conference on Control and Applications (CA 2011), June 1-3, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Eventconference; 13th IASTED International conference on control applications (CA 2011); 2011-06-01; 2011-06-03 -
Duration: 1 Jun 20113 Jun 2011


Conferenceconference; 13th IASTED International conference on control applications (CA 2011); 2011-06-01; 2011-06-03
Other13th IASTED International conference on control applications (CA 2011)


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