Cloud manufacturing service selection optimization and scheduling with transportation considerations: mixed-integer programming models

H. Akbaripour, M. Houshmand, T. van Woensel, N. Mutlu

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Cloud manufacturing is an emerging service-oriented manufacturing paradigm that integrates and manages distributed manufacturing resources through which complex manufacturing demands with a high degree of customization can be fulfilled. The process of service selection optimization and scheduling (SSOS) is an important issue for practical implementation of cloud manufacturing. In this paper, we propose new mixed-integer programming (MIP) models for solving the SSOS problem with basic composition structures (i.e., sequential, parallel, loop, and selective). Through incorporation of the proposed MIP models, the SSOS with a mixed composition structure can be tackled. As transportation is indispensable in cloud manufacturing environment, the models also optimize routing decisions within a given hybrid hub-and-spoke transportation network in which the central decision is to optimally determine whether a shipment between a pair of distributed manufacturing resources is routed directly or using hub facilities. Unlike the majority of previous research undertaken in cloud manufacturing, it is assumed that manufacturing resources are not continuously available for processing but the start time and end time of their occupancy interval are known in advance. The performance of the proposed models is evaluated through solving different scenarios in the SSOS. Moreover, in order to examine the robustness of the results, a series of sensitivity analysis are conducted on key parameters. The outcomes of this study demonstrate that the consideration of transportation and availability not only can change the results of the SSOS significantly, but also is necessary for obtaining more realistic solutions. The results also show that routing within a hybrid hub-and-spoke transportation network, compared with a pure hub-and-spoke network or a pure direct network, leads to more flexibility and has advantage of cost and time saving. The level of saving depends on the value of discount factor for decreasing transportation cost between hub facilities.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)43-70
JournalInternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2018


  • Cloud manufacturing
  • Hub-and-spoke transportation network
  • Mixed-integer programming
  • Service occupancy
  • Service selection and scheduling


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