Children's haptic experiences of tangible artifacts varying in hardness

J.J.M. Kierkels, E.A.W.H. Hoven, van den

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)
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In this paper we describe our investigations on the role of material hardness in the haptic experience of tangible artifacts. Without seeing the artifacts children had to rank their experience on a scale of two antonyms while touching and holding these artifacts. In this experiment it was shown that children have no problem ranking hardness. Two groups could be identified: soft artifacts were found to be cute, speedy and warm, e.g., and hard artifacts boring, sad and old-fashioned. We think that paying attention to this factor in the design of tangible user interfaces for children can improve their experience.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 5th Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction: building bridges (NordiCHI 2008), October 20-22, Lund, Sweden
EditorsA. Gulz, C. Magnusson, L. Malmborg, H. Eftring, B. Jönsson, K. Tollmar
Place of PublicationNew York
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery, Inc
ISBN (Print)978-1-59593-704-9
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Event5th Nordic conference on Human-Computer Interaction, NordiCHI 2008 - Lund, Sweden
Duration: 20 Oct 200822 Oct 2008
Conference number: 5

Publication series

NameACM International Conference Proceeding Series


Conference5th Nordic conference on Human-Computer Interaction, NordiCHI 2008
Abbreviated titleNordiCHI 2008


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