Challenge versus hindrance job demands and well-being : a diary study on the moderating role of job resources

M. Tadic, A.B. Bakker, W.G.M. Oerlemans

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The present study among 158 primary school teachers in Croatia integrated the challenge-hindrance stressor framework in job demands–resources (JD–R) theory. We hypothesized that hindrance job demands would be negatively related to well-being and that job resources could buffer this relationship. In addition, we hypothesized that challenge job demands would be positively related to well-being and that job resources would boost this relationship. The study employed a quantitative daily diary methodology. Teachers filled out a background questionnaire and a daily diary booklet for three to five consecutive workdays (N = 438 occasions). Results of multilevel analyses showed that daily hindrance job demands had a negative relationship with daily positive affect and work engagement. Daily job resources buffered this relationship. In contrast, daily challenge job demands had a positive relationship with positive affect and work engagement. Daily job resources boosted this relationship. We discuss the implications of these findings for JD–R theory and practice
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)702-725
Number of pages24
JournalJournal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2015


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