Cellulose as a novel bioadditive for the preparation of stable colloids based on ionic liquids

C.A. Guerrero Sanchez, T. Erdmenger, J. Vitz, U.S. Schubert

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademic


The capability of several ionic liqs. to dissolve cellulose compds. was exploited for the prepn. of colloids with an improved stability. Thus, inorg. particles from the nanometer to the micrometer range were homogeneously dispersed in different solns. of cellulose in ionic liqs. The possibility of utilizing cellulose compds. either to manipulate some phys. properties of the ionic liqs. or to modify the surface the particles were investigated which may improve the stability of the colloids against sedimentation. The proposed approach may represent an inexpensive method for the prepn. of "environmentally-friendly" composites with different functional properties. [on SciFinder (R)]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAbstracts of Papers, 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States
Place of PublicationWashington, D. C
PublisherAmerican Chemical Society
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Event235th ACS National Meeting - New Orleans, United States
Duration: 6 Apr 200810 Apr 2008


Conference235th ACS National Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityNew Orleans


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