Catheter-manometer system damped blood pressures detected by neural nets

A. Prentza, K.H. Wesseling

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


AbstractwDegraded catheter-manometer systems cause distortion of blood pressure waveforms, often leading to erroneously resonant or damped waveforms, requiring waveform qua/iW control We have tried muitilayer perceptron back-propagation trained neural nets of varying architecture to detect damping on sets of normal and artificially damped brachia/ arterial pressure waves. A second-order digital simulation of a catheter-manometer system is used to cause waveform distortion. Each beat in the waveforms is represented by, an 11 parameter input vector. From a group of normotensive or (borderline) hypertensive subjects, pressure waves are used to statistically test and train the neural nets. For each patient and category 5-10 waves are available. The best neural nets correctly classify about 75-85% of the individual beats as either adequate or damped. Using a single majority vote classification per subject per damped or adequate situation, the best neural nets correctly classify at least 16 of the 18 situations in nine test subjects {binomial P = 0.001). More importantly, these neural nets can always detect damping before clinically relevant parameters such as systolic pressure and computed stroke volume are reduced by more than 2%. Neural nets seem remarkably well adapted to solving such subtle problems as detecting a slight damping of arterial pressure waves before it affects waveforms to a clinically relevant degree.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)589-595
Number of pages7
JournalMedical and Biological Engineering and Computing
Publication statusPublished - 1995


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