Case notion discovery and recommendation: automated event log building on databases

E. González López de Murillas (Corresponding author), H.A. Reijers, W.M.P. van der Aalst

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

21 Citations (Scopus)


Process mining techniques use event logs as input. When analyzing complex databases, these event logs can be built in many ways. Events need to be grouped into traces corresponding to a case. Different groupings provide different views on the data. Building event logs is usually a time-consuming, manual task. This paper provides a precise view on the case notion on databases, which enables the automatic computation of event logs. Also, it provides a way to assess event log quality, used to rank event logs with respect to their interestingness. The computational cost of building an event log can be avoided by predicting the interestingness of a case notion, before the corresponding event log is computed. This makes it possible to give recommendations to users, so they can focus on the analysis of the most promising process views. Finally, the accuracy of the predictions and the quality of the rankings generated by our unsupervised technique are evaluated in comparison to the existing regression techniques as well as to state-of-the-art learning to rank algorithms from the information retrieval field. The results show that our prediction technique succeeds at discovering interesting event logs and provides valuable recommendations to users about the perspectives on which to focus the efforts during the analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2539-2575
Number of pages37
JournalKnowledge and Information Systems
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2020


  • Case notion
  • Database
  • Event log
  • Process mining
  • Ranking
  • Recommendation


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