Bubble parameters and efficiency of gas bubble evolution for a chlorine-, a hydrogen- and an oxygen-evolving wire electrode

J.M. Chin Kwie Joe, L.J.J. Janssen, S.J.D. Strelen, van, J.H.G. Verbunt, W.M. Sluyter

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    The effect of current density used for total gas evolution, ig, or for gas in bubbles, ib, and the effect of solution—flow velocity, vs,0, and temperature, T, on the detached bubbles parameters, viz average Sauter bubble radius, Rs,d,av, average bubble radius, Rd,av, average of the square of the bubble radii, (R2d)av, average of the third power of the bubble radii, (R3d)av, detached bubble frequency, ¿, and efficiency of gas bubble evolution, ¿b, for a chlorine-, a hydrogen- and an oxygen-evolving electrode at forced convection have been determined experimentally. The electrodes consist of a thin wire electrode with a small height. It has been found that: 1. The average Sauter bubble radius is proportional to in4b and decreases linearly with increasing vs,0 at constant ig. The constant n4 depends on the temperature, the nature of the gas evolved, the electrode material and the electrolyte and is independent of vs,0. Similar correlations were obtained for Rd,av, (R2d)av and (R3d)av. 2. The frequency of detached bubbles is proportional to in5b and increases linearly with increasing vs,0 at constant ig. The constant n5 depends on the temperature, the nature of the gas evolved, the electrode material and the electrolyte and is independent of vs,0. 3. The efficiency of gas bubble evolution ¿b increases with increasing ig and approaches a limiting
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)769-779
    JournalElectrochimica Acta
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 1988


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