BRIC Biobased Pavilion: Exploring Bio-based Composite profiles as structural elements in temporary buildings

S. Hannurkar

Research output: ThesisEngD Thesis

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The climate crisis has forced the world to act immediately on the damage caused to the environment and has forced the need of reinforcing stringent sustainability goals to control the damage caused.
The sustainability goals set by the European Commission for the year 2030 and 2050 have triggered all the industries to adopt sustainable and circular strategies.
Construction industry contributes heavily to the CO2 emissions through its energy consumption and manufacturing processes of construction materials, which have a very high carbon footprint. To reduce this impact, the use of Biobased materials and Biobased composites is emerging as alternatives to the use of conventional construction materials.
One such initiative is taken by the BRIC Project. It is a consortium of nine partners led by the Department of Built Environment, TU/e Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The project is funded by OPZuid. BRIC aims to create a platform to research Biobased composites materials and test their structural potential to scale up their use building industry.
The BRIC Biobased Pavilion is a part of this project. It aims at scaling up the use of Biobased composite profiles as structural elements to create a larger enclosure for temporary structures for festivals / events to create awareness about the materials. The Biobased composite profiles investigated in this project are made from the natural fibers from Flax, Hemp, and waste wood and are manufactured by extrusion method by the company Millvision B.V who is one of the partners in the consortium.
Ir. Snehal Hannurkar is an architect by profession and was employed as an Eng. D trainee by the Department of Built Environment, TU/e Eindhoven University of technology in Dec 2020 to investigate the objective of the Bric Pavilion Project. She has studied the material through testing, prototyping, and making and has designed and built a travelling Biobased Pavilion using the profiles
as structural elements under the able mentorship of Dr. Faas Moonen and Ir. Tom Veeger.
The BRIC Biobased Pavilion was exhibited as a part of the TU/e Drivers of Change Expo located at the Ketelhuisplein, Strijp-S Eindhoven and was open for public viewing during Dutch Design Week 2023.
It was one amongst the 2,600 projects exhibited at the Dutch Design Week and was shortlisted as one amongst the top six green projects in the event.
All the information about the project is available on the website:
Original languageEnglish
  • Moonen, S.P.G. (Faas), Supervisor
  • Veeger, Tom T., External supervisor
Place of PublicationEindhoven
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2023

Bibliographical note

EngD thesis.


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