Blue Stark shift in composite quantum wells

A.Y. Silov, B.N. Aneeshkumar, M.R. Leijs, H. Vonk, J.H. Wolter

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


We have observed a substantial blue shift of the lowest energy transition in a composite double quantum well made from materials with a type-TI band line-up. The pho tocurrent measurements demonstrate a linear Stark shift due to the separate confinement in real space for electrons and holes. The charge separation is up to 45 Å in the strain bal anced InAs0.42P0.58/Gao.67In0.33As samples. The low tem perature photoluminescence reveals that an electric field of only 30 kV/cm produces the blue shift of more than 25 meV. All our measurements agree with the calculations within the framework of Bir-Pikus strain Hamiltonian.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication25th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, 17-22 September 2000, Osaka, Japan : part 1
EditorsN. Miura, T. Ando
Place of PublicationBerlin
ISBN (Print)3-540-41778-8
Publication statusPublished - 2001
Event25th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, September 17-22, 2000, Osaka, Japan - Osaka, Japan
Duration: 17 Sept 200022 Sept 2000

Publication series

NameSpringer Proceedings in Physics
ISSN (Print)0930-8989


Conference25th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, September 17-22, 2000, Osaka, Japan
Other25th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors


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