Beginning and experienced teachers' self- and student schema in positive and problematic teacher-student relationships

Luce C.A. Claessens, Jan W.F. Tartwijk, van, H. Pennings, A. van der Want, Nico Verloop, P.J. den Brok, Theo Wubbels

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    The quality of teacher–student relationships is important for teachers' well-being in schools. In this interview study we investigated which cognitions comprise secondary school teachers' self- and student schema in positive and problematic teacher–student relationships. Frequency analyses of these cognitions showed that especially student schema differed in teachers' talk of positive and problematic relationships. When combining cognitions of the self- and student schema, a HOMALS analysis revealed two types of positive and two types of problematic relationships. Differences between novices and experienced teachers were apparent for positive relationships. These findings raise questions about teachers' attributions for the quality of teacher–student relationships.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)88-99
    JournalTeaching and Teacher Education
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


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