Back to the format: A survey on SOS for probabilistic processes

Valentina Castiglioni (Corresponding author), Ruggero Lanotte, Simone Tini

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In probabilistic process algebras the classic qualitative description of process behaviour is enriched with quantitative information on it, usually modelled in terms of probabilistic weights and/or distributions over the qualitative behaviour. In this setting, we use behavioural equivalences to check whether two processes show exactly the same behaviour, and, if this is not the case, we can use behavioural metrics to measure the distance between them. Compositional reasoning requires that equivalence, or closeness, of behaviour of two processes are not destroyed when language operators are applied on top of them in order to build larger processes. Formally, the equivalence must be a congruence, and the metric must be uniformly continuous, with respect to language operators. Instead of verifying these compositional properties by hand, operator-by-operator, it is much more convenient to prove them for a class of operators once for all, and to check that the operators one is dealing with are in that class. This is achieved by means of SOS specification formats: they consist in a set of syntactical constraints characterising a class of operators on the patterns of SOS rules, that define the operational semantics of languages. With this survey, we aim to collect and describe the specification formats that have been proposed in the literature to guarantee the compositional properties of (variants of) bisimulation equivalences and bisimulation metrics in the probabilistic setting.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100929
Number of pages46
JournalJournal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024


This work has been partially supported by the project Programs in the wild: uncertainties, adaptability and verification (ULTRON) of the Icelandic Research Fund (grant No. 228376-051 ).


  • Approximate equivalence
  • Bisimulation
  • Bisimulation metric
  • Probabilistic process algebras
  • Specification format


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