Autonomous wireless die

M. Ouwerkerk (Inventor), R.M. Aarts (Inventor), N. Kravtsova (Inventor), E.J. Loenen, van (Inventor), D.W.E. Schobben (Inventor), Bartel Marinus Sluis (Inventor), M.P. Bodlaender (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication

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A wireless die (2) comprises an orientation detector (4) for determining an orientation of the die (2) and a transmitter (5) connected to the orientation detector (4) for transmitting die (2) orientation data to the receiver (3). The orientation detector (4) comprises at least two electromechanical detectors (6), the electromechanical detectors (6) being arranged for generating electrical power for the orientation detector (4) and transmitter (5), and for supplying gravity based orientation data.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS8490971B2
Priority date25/10/04
Publication statusPublished - 2013

Bibliographical note

Other priority number(s):
WO2005IB53420 20051019 Date: 19-10-2005


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