Application of cell mapping methods to a nonlinear dynamic system

J.A.W. Spek, van der

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherAcademic

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1993
Eventconference; Second National Mechanics Congress in The Netherlands, on November 16-18, 1992 ROLDUC Abbey Kerkrade, The Netherlands; 1992-11-16; 1992-11-16 -
Duration: 16 Nov 199216 Nov 1992


Conferenceconference; Second National Mechanics Congress in The Netherlands, on November 16-18, 1992 ROLDUC Abbey Kerkrade, The Netherlands; 1992-11-16; 1992-11-16
OtherSecond National Mechanics Congress in The Netherlands, on November 16-18, 1992 ROLDUC Abbey Kerkrade, The Netherlands

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