Apparatus for producing and sustaining a glow discharge plasma under atmospheric conditions

H.W. Vries, de (Inventor), Fuyuhiko Mori (Inventor), E. Aldea (Inventor), M.C.M. Sanden, van de (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication


Apparatus for producing and sustaining a glow discharge plasma in a plasma discharge space comprising at least two oppositely spaced electrodes, means for supplying a gas or a gas mixture under atmospheric pressure conditions in the discharge space, AC power supply means for energizing the electrodes, and electric stabilisation means for stabilizing current variations in the plasma. The stabilisation means connect between the electrodes and the power supply means, and are arranged for providing a negative feedback opposed to a positive feedback of the plasma to instabilities in the plasma.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2004007985
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jan 2004


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