Antimonide quantum dot nanostructures for novel photonic device applications

A. Krier, P.J. Carrington, Q.D. Zhuang, R.J. Young, M. Hayne, L. Qi, J. James, M.C. Wagener, J.R. Botha, P.M. Koenraad, E.P. Smakman

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic

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The 3D confinement of carriers in quantum dot (QD) structures offers an attractive alternative compared with bulk or quantum well (QW) structures for optoelectronic devices because of the improved (d-like) density of states (DOS) leading to higher radiative transition rates, narrower spectral linewidth, and the possibility to minimize Auger recombination. This chapter is concerned with the molecular beam epitaxial growth and optical properties of self-assembled InSb and GaSb QDs in InAs and GaAs, respectively. Section 6.2 describes investigations into the growth of InSb on InAs using conventional Stranski-Krastanov growth. In Section 6.3 the structural and optical properties of InSb submonolayer QDs grown using an Sb-As exchange reaction are described, and their performance within a p-i-n LED is evaluated. The growth of GaSb QDs in GaAs is reported in Section 6.4 together with the formation of quantum rings (QRs), and the application of stacks of such GaSb QRs within a solar cell is described in Section 6.5. © 2013 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe wonder of nanotechnology : quantum optoelectronic devices and applications
EditorsM. Razeghi, L. Esaki, K. Klitzing, von
Number of pages893
ISBN (Print)9780819495969
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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