Analysis of coexistence between IEEE 802.15. 4, BLE and IEEE 802.11 in the 2.4 GHz ISM band

R. Natarajan, P. Zand, M. Nabi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

58 Citations (Scopus)


The rapid growth of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) has led to a proliferation of low-power wireless technologies. A major challenge in designing an IoT network is to achieve coexistence between different wireless technologies sharing the unlicensed 2.4 GHz ISM spectrum. Although there is significant literature on coexistence between IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11, the coexistence of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) with other technologies remains understudied. In this work, we examine coexistence between IEEE 802.15.4, BLE and IEEE 802.11, which are widely used in residential and industrial wireless applications. We perform a mathematical analysis of the effect of cross-technology interference on the reliability of the affected wireless network in the physical (PHY) layer. We also set up and perform PHY layer experiments to verify the analytical results. Finally, we extend the study to the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. Our findings show that, even though the MAC layer mechanisms of IEEE 802.15.4 and BLE improve reliability, cooperative solutions are required to achieve coexistence.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 24-27 October 2016, Firenze, Italy
Place of PublicationPiscataway
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-5090-3474-1
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2016
Event42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016 - Palazzo dei Congressi, Firenze, Italy
Duration: 24 Oct 201627 Oct 2016
Conference number: 42


Conference42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016
Abbreviated titleIECON 2016
Internet address


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