An investigation of the effect of relative humidity on viscoelastic properties of flax fiber reinforced polymer by fractional-order viscoelastic model

Bowen Xu (Corresponding author), Rijk Blok, Patrick Teuffel

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As an environmental-friendly material with eligible mechanical properties, FFRP (Flax Fiber Reinforced Polymer) composites are being widely studied and used in the construction industry. This paper presents an investigation of the effect of environmental humidity on the viscoelastic properties of FFRP. Frequency sweep tests are conducted, and results are re-organized by the Time-Temperature Superposition Principle (TTSP). The Huet-Sayegh viscoelastic model is introduced to describe the relationship between viscoelastic properties and loading frequency. The fractional derivative is applied to the model for more accurate results. It is found both storage modulus and loss modulus decrease with the increase of relative humidity. However, the loss factor does not have a monotonical correlation with the relative humidity of the environment. In general, it can be concluded both the capacity of FFRP to store and dissipate the energy decreases over the hygroscopicity absorption in the air, but there is no specific relationship between the amount of their reduction.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101406
Number of pages6
JournalComposites Communications
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from China Scholarship Council. Bowen Xu holds a China Scholarship Council Studentship with the Technology University of Eindhoven. This research is also supported in part by the Interreg North-West Europe project “Smart Circular Bridges-for pedestrians and cyclists in a circular built environment” (NWE993).


The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from China Scholarship Council. Bowen Xu holds a China Scholarship Council Studentship with the Technology University of Eindhoven. This research is also supported in part by the Interreg North-West Europe project “Smart Circular Bridges-for pedestrians and cyclists in a circular built environment” (NWE993). The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from China Scholarship Council . Bowen Xu holds a China Scholarship Council Studentship with the Technology University of Eindhoven. This research is also supported in part by the Interreg North-West Europe project “Smart Circular Bridges-for pedestrians and cyclists in a circular built environment” ( NWE993 ).


  • Fractional derivative
  • Huet-sayegh model
  • Natural fiber
  • Relative humidity
  • Viscoelastic


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