An approximate analysis of dry-friction-induced stick-slip vibratons by a smoothing procedure

B.L. Vrande, van de, D.H. Campen, van, A. Kraker, de

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This paper deals with a systematic procedure to find both stable and unstable periodic stick-slip vibrations of autonomous dynamic systems with dry friction. In this procedure, the discontinuous friction forces are approximated by smooth functions. Using the simple shooting method with a stiff-ODE solver, in combination with a path following algorithm, branches of periodic solutions are computed for a changing design variable. For testing purposes, both 1 and 2-DOF autonomous block-on-belt models and a 1-DOF autonomous drill string model from literature are investigated. Comparison of the results shows that the smoothing procedure accurately describes the behavior of the discontinuous systems. The proposed procedure can also easily be applied to more complex MDOF models, as well as to nonautonomous dynamic systems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)157-169
JournalNonlinear Dynamics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1999


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