AI-based motion artifact severity estimation in undersampled MRI allowing for selection of appropriate reconstruction models

Laurens Beljaards (Corresponding author), Nicola Pezzotti, Chinmay Rao, Mariya Doneva, Matthias J.P. van Osch, Marius Staring

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Background: Magnetic Resonance acquisition is a time consuming process, making it susceptible to patient motion during scanning. Even motion in the order of a millimeter can introduce severe blurring and ghosting artifacts, potentially necessitating re-acquisition. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) can be accelerated by acquiring only a fraction of k-space, combined with advanced reconstruction techniques leveraging coil sensitivity profiles and prior knowledge. Artificial intelligence (AI)-based reconstruction techniques have recently been popularized, but generally assume an ideal setting without intra-scan motion. Purpose: To retrospectively detect and quantify the severity of motion artifacts in undersampled MRI data. This may prove valuable as a safety mechanism for AI-based approaches, provide useful information to the reconstruction method, or prompt for re-acquisition while the patient is still in the scanner. Methods: We developed a deep learning approach that detects and quantifies motion artifacts in undersampled brain MRI. We demonstrate that synthetically motion-corrupted data can be leveraged to train the convolutional neural network (CNN)-based motion artifact estimator, generalizing well to real-world data. Additionally, we leverage the motion artifact estimator by using it as a selector for a motion-robust reconstruction model in case a considerable amount of motion was detected, and a high data consistency model otherwise. Results: Training and validation were performed on 4387 and 1304 synthetically motion-corrupted images and their uncorrupted counterparts, respectively. Testing was performed on undersampled in vivo motion-corrupted data from 28 volunteers, where our model distinguished head motion from motion-free scans with 91% and 96% accuracy when trained on synthetic and on real data, respectively. It predicted a manually defined quality label (‘Good’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Bad’ quality) correctly in 76% and 85% of the time when trained on synthetic and real data, respectively. When used as a selector it selected the appropriate reconstruction network 93% of the time, achieving near optimal SSIM values. Conclusions: The proposed method quantified motion artifact severity in undersampled MRI data with high accuracy, enabling real-time motion artifact detection that can help improve the safety and quality of AI-based reconstructions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3555-3565
Number of pages11
JournalMedical Physics
Issue number5
Early online date3 Jan 2024
Publication statusPublished - May 2024


  • accelerated MRI
  • deep learning
  • motion artifact severity estimation
  • motion corruption
  • MRI reconstruction
  • Movement
  • Humans
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods
  • Deep Learning
  • Artifacts
  • Brain/diagnostic imaging
  • Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods


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