Additional sound feedback in man-computer interaction : empirical investigations

G.W.M. Rauterberg, E. Styger, A. Baumgartner, A. Jenny, M. Lange, de

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


    Two experiments were carried out to estimate the effect of sound feedback: operating an assembly line simulator (Experiment-A with sound feedback of hidden events); and queries in database search (Experiment-B with sound feedback of the search result quality). Experiment A: Relevant information of hidden events (e.g., disturbances and machine break downs) was given only in a visual, and in visual and audible form. The results indicate, that additional sound feedback improves significantly the user performance and increases positively some mood aspects. Experiment B: Individualised sound patterns (music, speech, noise) inform the user about the amount of correspondence between the requested data and the actual output on the screen (result feedback). The results of this empirical investigation indicate, that additional sound feedback does not improve the user performance, overall. But, if we differentiate between users, who prefer sound, and those, who do not, we can find significant improvements. We can conclude that sound feedback is necessary, but must be eligible
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationWork with Display Units - WWDU '94. Book of short papers of the Fourth International Scientific Conference on Work with Display Units (WWDU'94), vol. 3
    EditorsA. Grieco, G. Molteni, E. Occhipinti, B. Piccoli
    Place of PublicationMilan
    PublisherUniversity of Milan : Institute of Occupational Health
    Publication statusPublished - 1995


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