Adaptable building comfort an integral approach: follow the occupants and the sun

W. Zeiler, P. Savanovic, E.M.C.J. Quanjel

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


The focus on the needs and drives for adaptation of the building automatically leads to changing needs and demands of the occupants of the building. Building should really take care of its occupants and show adaptable behaviour and reaction to the changing outdoor environment during the day. Design for adaptability should start with the occupants needs for comfort and indoor air quality. These are partly influences by the changing environmental forces as wind and sun. Weather predictions and the aggegated voting of users about their thermal comfort, should be the leading parameters to adaptable comfort and the adaptable building.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdaptables 2006, international conference on adaptable building structures, Eindhoven, July 2006
EditorsF.J.M. Scheublin, A.D.C. Pronk, A. Borgard, R. Houtman
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventADAPTABLES 2006 : joint CIB, Tensinet, IASS International Conference on Adaptability in Design and Construction, July 3-5, 2006, Eindhoven, The Netherlands - Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Duration: 3 Jul 20065 Jul 2006


ConferenceADAPTABLES 2006 : joint CIB, Tensinet, IASS International Conference on Adaptability in Design and Construction, July 3-5, 2006, Eindhoven, The Netherlands


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