A programmable, scalable-throughput interleaver

E.J.C. Rijshouwer, C.H. Berkel, van

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The interleaver stages of digital communication standards show a surprisingly large variation in throughput, state sizes, and permutation functions. Furthermore, data rates for 4G standards such as LTE-Advanced will exceed typical baseband clock frequencies of handheld devices. Multistream operation for Software Defined Radio and iterative decoding algorithms will call for ever higher interleave data rates. Our interleave machine is built around 8 single-port SRAM banks and can be programmed to generate up to 8 addresses every clock cycle. The scalable architecture combines SIMD and VLIW concepts with an efficient resolution of bank conflicts. A wide range of cellular, connectivity, and broadcast interleavers have been mapped on this machine, with throughputs up to more than 0.5Gsymbol/second. Although it was designed for channel interleaving, the application domain of the interleaver extends also to Turbo interleaving. The presented configuration of the architecture is designed as a part of a programmable outer receiver on a prototype board. It offers (near) universal programmability to enable the implementation of new interleavers. The interleaver measures 2.09m m 2 in 65nm CMOS (including memories) and proves functional on silicon.
Original languageEnglish
Article number513104
Number of pages16
JournalEURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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